Neck lift
Flaunt a sleeker neck and jawline.
The neck is one of the first places to give away your age. Over time, skin and soft tissue sag resulting in jowling, cheek descent, and an accumulation of soft tissue and fat in your lower face and neck.
A neck lift can help enhance your facial features by removing excess fat and tightening the underlying muscles in the neck and jawline area. By creating a more sculpted and defined appearance, a neck lift can create a more youthful, refreshed look and help you look and feel more confident.

Frequently Asked Questions
Yes! Oftentimes, the neck lift is an adjunct to a facelift. If a facelift is performed in isolation, the amount of tension needed to address the under-chin area creates an unnatural taut appearance that we aim to avoid. For this reason, a direct neck lift, which is a separate procedure, is best at directly addressing the excess skin and sagging soft tissues under the chin.
Facelift is usually performed in conjunction with a neck lift in the vast majority of cases. The reverse is not always the case. Neck lift surgery can be performed independently for patients with isolated fullness or looseness in the skin and soft tissues of the under-chin area. Isolated neck lifts can be very beneficial in these circumstances.
Typically, pain after surgery is minimal and very manageable. After surgery, it is very important to wear the provided compression dressing as often as possible, especially for the first 2-3 weeks. After a neck lift, the body tries to fill the empty space with serous fluid and a compression dressing helps avoid this known complication. The incision in the under-chin area heals very well and is typically hidden in a preexisting crease.
Neck lift surgery is typically very well tolerated. However, you may feel significant tightness and firmness in your neck for the first few weeks postoperatively as the tissues are under tension. This will loosen and soften with time and gentle massage.
The rejuvenating results can last for 10 to 15 years, depending on factors like age, overall health, and lifestyle habits. Those who have the procedure done in their 40s may enjoy a more defined and smooth appearance for longer than those who have it done later in life. To maintain your results, be sure to take care of your skin by using sunblock and avoid unhealthy habits like smoking.

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Say goodbye to tired eyes and hello to a more youthful appearance!